Friday, August 2, 2019

good recommendations

Resultado de imagen para el tunel ernesto sabatoHello classmates, today I will talk about a very interesting topic ... my favorite book and movie.
I'm not really a good reader, or maybe I just haven't given myself the time to read a good book, I remember that at school I hated reading, since they literally forced you to do it, and read books like "the odyssey", "the iliada "," Don quixote of la mancha "was very boring for me :( I wanted to sleep as soon as I started reading them.
But there was a book that I liked too much and that it was not an obligation to read it ... "the tunnel" by Ernesto Sabato.
It is a book in which its protagonist tells readers the story of how he killed his wife and the reasons that made him commit that crime. It really is a very  book.
On the other hand, I am not very good at watching movies, but I love the series, so I will recommend one that you have to see if or if, especially if you are in the faculty of chemistry haha.
Resultado de imagen para breaking badThis series is called "breaking bad" that tells the story of a chemistry professor who gets cancer, and has no money to pay for his treatment or to leave his family when he dies, so he begins to synthesize methamphetamine with an ex student. It is a very good story :)

beloved laboratory

Hello friends, today I will talk about my favorite subject ... the laboratory of organic chemistry.
I really love chemistry laboratories, but it got my attention even more, I learned a lot of things and I had a good time because I was surrounded by nice and very intelligent people.
The organic chemistry laboratory is 100% practice, but at the beginning of the class they explain the necessary theory. This laboratory was on Mondays at 2 pm, every Monday we synthesized a different product such as: 2-methoxynaphthalene, t-butyl chloride, acetylsalicylic acid, etc. I never thought I'd synthesize aspirin so fast !! The synthesized product was allowed to dry to weigh it the following week and see what the performance of your reaction was ... it was disappointing haha ​​.. your performance never exceeded 60% !!
This product synthesis is based on techniques you learn in the organic chemistry class, so if you didn't go to organic chemistry classes, you were going to be really lost in the lab classes!
It really was a great experience, teachers and assistants guide you throughout the synthesis process so that your product is pure. I hope the next lab is that good :)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

a new blogger

Hi classmates, here we are, for the last time :(
I hope your experience as a blogger has been good, for my part it was.
I had never thought before that I could write a blog. It was an incredible experience ...
The truth is that I do not consider myself good writing, I have a hard time expressing myself through writing, but doing this blog has helped me a lot with that. Especially for my career, which does not have that "humanist" side.

From time to time it is good to write, even just for you ... for example Sometimes, when I am sad, I take a notebook and start writing what I am feeling, then I read it and think ... really this is so important to be this sad? Is it life or death?, Etc ... and that helps me a lot.
I think that the English blog is a very original and entertaining experience, where we can meet our classmates without the need to talk to them, that's why I would like more blogs to be included about:
-important trips in your life
-family, friends
-what you like most about your home
-the most important person in your life
and more ..
Anyway friends, I hope to find you in English 4 <3

Thursday, July 18, 2019

my friend, anxiety

Resultado de imagen para ansiedadAnxiety is an emotion, sensation (or whatever you want to call it) that we have all experienced at some time in our lives. It makes us feel restless, nervous, worried with fear and panic. It is expressed with tremors, palpitations, cold hands, sweating, etc.
It is normal to worry about situations that may seem stressful, complicated or new, such as having to face an exam, an important date, a presentation to your classmates, etc. These are not situations that do not represent a real threat to our security, but they can make us feel threatened by possible shame, worried about making a mistake, adapting to the situation, getting stuck in words or being accepted or rejected. this we call "normal anxiety"
But when you spend too much time worried or nervous, or if you have trouble sleeping because of anxiety, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. They can be symptoms of a problem or an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety disorder is a mental health problem that is related to experiencing too much anxiety, fear, nervousness, worry or terror. Too steady or too intense anxiety can make a person feel worried, distracted, tense and always alert. Studies showed that women are twice as likely to suffer anxiety as men, it could be due to differences in brain chemistry and hormonal changes in the female sex. On the other hand, people living in Europe and North America are much more affected. For example, social anxiety in the West usually manifests itself with an intense fear of social situations, a lot of self-awareness and fear of being judged or criticized when interacting with others. However, in Asia, there is a similar construct called taijin kyofusho, which manifests as an irrational fear of offending or distressing others due to personal self-perceived inadequacies.

Thursday, July 4, 2019


Sunday, June 30, 2019

keep calm and love animals

Hello friends! Today I will tell you something I love: animals ...
It is difficult to explain, but I feel so much appreciation for animals, much more than for humans, we have simply come to the world to ruin their environment, we have damaged them so much ... we owe them a lot :(
A while ago I became more conscious and consistent about my love towards animals, I just stopped eating them ... and started looking for alternatives to reduce pollution among other things.

If possible, I would have pets of all types ... but unfortunately I have only had dogs :(
I really love each one of the dogs that I have had in my life, they are always present in my heart even if they have left this world: '(
My first dog was called Tomy, I had it when I was 10 years old. He was a beautiful "chow-chow", he
had great skill with his little paws, when he did not want you to stop caressing him, he caught your leg with his little paws and he would not let you go ... it was very sweet <3 One day I arrived from school and my dad I was waiting with sad news ... they wanted to go in to steal my house and so that Tomy would not stop them from doing it ... they poisoned him :( It was very sad, but my little baby is always in my heart <3
I currently have 3 puppies, their names are Droopy, Draco and Tyson, they have the power to make me smile in any way :) I really love them! I wait every weekend to go see them in my plot in melipilla, to hug, kiss and caress them <3 

Here is a picture of Tyson and Droopy when they were babies!!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

my puppies are my models

Hi classmates! Today I will tell you about my favourite photography, I do not really have just one.
I love taking pictures of my dogs, and obviously my favourite photographs are of them. I really love dogs, I feel that don't exist nothing best in the world, they are very noble and loyal.
 It was very difficult to choose among so many pictures of my puppies, but I managed to choose two that I find very funny.

The first photo is of my dog named Draco, I take it in my plot in Melipilla, It's amazing... he's smiling:) I took this picture about three weeks ago. When I see this photo I get very happy:)

that same day, I took a picture of Draco and my other dog named Droopy, this time Draco is kissing Droopy, I just love this picture, every time I see the picture I die of tenderness.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

I can't get my hand out of the phone

hi! I hope that you had a good week, today i'm go to talk about my favourite piece of thechnology... so, by the title you will imagine that it is... THE PHONE!
Resultado de imagen para alcatel antiguoI remember when I was 7 years old I had my first mobile, Santa Claus gave to me at christmas. 
I loved him! it was very very small and I used it to play snake. The screen was green and had keys, not had bluetooth, infrared or camera.
Then, every year I had a new cell phone, I remember when I had my first Iphone, it was the iphone 3, I felt in the future. 
You will be wondering why I chose the cell phone among so many technologies. I just love it! I can do everything with him, from the basics like calling my friends and family, to see a movie. 
what I like to do most on my cell phone is to watch netflix, play games and, above all, check my social networks. I use it every day, I think from 5 to 6 hours.
The truth, if the cell phone did not exist, it would be good and bad at the same time.
If I was not with the cell phone all the time I would pay more attention to what happens araund me, also I would not desconcentrate in my daily tasks, like studying. 
But, if it did not exist I would feel disconnected from the world and bored at certain moments.

Friday, May 24, 2019

creating my own way

Hello! Welcome back.
When we were little we thought that our dreams were too big and far to become reality, nowadays the only thing that I have clear is that the perfect moment to make dreams come true is now.
When I was little I wanted to be everything: doctor, cook, teacher, veterinarian ...
But when I was growing I started to get interested in science, especially in chemistry and biology, and I had very good marks.
I started to get interested in some careers like: medicine, chemical engineering, biotechnology and chemistry and pharmacy.
To be honest, my first choice was medicine and the second was chemistry and pharmacy, the others were not so important
I knew that to study medicine I needed good score on the PSU test, but I did not prepare for that test, I focused 100% on having good marks in school, because I prioritized having a good NEM score. the PSU could give it as many times as it wanted.
So I took the exam and I had no points to study medicine, I thought about giving the psu again to enter, but in the end I decided to study chemistry and pharmacy because I did not want to lose time.
I think it was the best decision, I am very happy. I love the career, especially the laboratories, they are very entertaining, and so far I have had a good performance although sometimes it stresses me a lot.
When I graduate from the career I would like to work in a laboratory, it would really make me very happy.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

not so interesting

Image result for marcha liceo 1Hi! my name is Vanessa ( i hate this name) I am 19 years old, i was born in a cold winter day in santiago. Strangely since I was born I grew up alone with my dad. It has been so funny, he has learned together with me how to be father and mother at the same time. He taught me to be very studious, I studied up to the basic education at "Maria Auxiliadora" school. I has very good marks. Why did not I continue in that school? because it was a school where I always felt repressed for its strict rules, that, added to the typical age of rebellion, where I wanted to break all the rules, anyway I was expelled from school. ( maybe in other blog i could tell why they expelled to me)
La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, sentado, cielo, océano, exterior, naturaleza y aguaso,  in the first high school class i arrive to "liceo 1" being in this school was a very nice experience to me, this is where they opened my eyes to reality.
As soon I left school i went to study chemistry and pharmacy.
When I was 16 years old I met Matias, my boyfriend, who has been my travel companion for almost 4 years. Every year we propose a different destination. This year we went to Brazil. I'm very happy.