Thursday, July 25, 2019

a new blogger

Hi classmates, here we are, for the last time :(
I hope your experience as a blogger has been good, for my part it was.
I had never thought before that I could write a blog. It was an incredible experience ...
The truth is that I do not consider myself good writing, I have a hard time expressing myself through writing, but doing this blog has helped me a lot with that. Especially for my career, which does not have that "humanist" side.

From time to time it is good to write, even just for you ... for example Sometimes, when I am sad, I take a notebook and start writing what I am feeling, then I read it and think ... really this is so important to be this sad? Is it life or death?, Etc ... and that helps me a lot.
I think that the English blog is a very original and entertaining experience, where we can meet our classmates without the need to talk to them, that's why I would like more blogs to be included about:
-important trips in your life
-family, friends
-what you like most about your home
-the most important person in your life
and more ..
Anyway friends, I hope to find you in English 4 <3

Thursday, July 18, 2019

my friend, anxiety

Resultado de imagen para ansiedadAnxiety is an emotion, sensation (or whatever you want to call it) that we have all experienced at some time in our lives. It makes us feel restless, nervous, worried with fear and panic. It is expressed with tremors, palpitations, cold hands, sweating, etc.
It is normal to worry about situations that may seem stressful, complicated or new, such as having to face an exam, an important date, a presentation to your classmates, etc. These are not situations that do not represent a real threat to our security, but they can make us feel threatened by possible shame, worried about making a mistake, adapting to the situation, getting stuck in words or being accepted or rejected. this we call "normal anxiety"
But when you spend too much time worried or nervous, or if you have trouble sleeping because of anxiety, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. They can be symptoms of a problem or an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety disorder is a mental health problem that is related to experiencing too much anxiety, fear, nervousness, worry or terror. Too steady or too intense anxiety can make a person feel worried, distracted, tense and always alert. Studies showed that women are twice as likely to suffer anxiety as men, it could be due to differences in brain chemistry and hormonal changes in the female sex. On the other hand, people living in Europe and North America are much more affected. For example, social anxiety in the West usually manifests itself with an intense fear of social situations, a lot of self-awareness and fear of being judged or criticized when interacting with others. However, in Asia, there is a similar construct called taijin kyofusho, which manifests as an irrational fear of offending or distressing others due to personal self-perceived inadequacies.

Thursday, July 4, 2019
